Six Sentence Sunday - Whitelighter by Angie Derek

Whitelighter by Angie Derek. A steamy paranormal romance novella.

A young witch's special powers make her a target to any vampire who catches sight of her.

Six Sentence Sunday Snippet:

“Your white light, it goes neon whenever you run hot.”
Crossing her arms, she faced him, pulling it back in. “Better?”
“Yeah, we’ll have to work on that.”
“You going to tell me how you can see my light when you aren’t a vampire?”
“A little late to be asking me such a suspicious question.”

For more Six Sentence Sunday's from other authors head on over to

Available in multiple ebook formats from Smashwords, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Sony, Kobo, Diesel.


  1. Paranormal always has me hooked, and this is no exception. Fab six.

  2. Excellent. Very mysterious.


    Author of Concilium, available July 2012
    Concilium: The Departure, November 2012
    PODs, available June 2013

  3. I'm guessing because he IS a vampire.

  4. Thanks for stopping by Misa. Good guess, but not quite.


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