Face of Death (Touch of Death #3) by Kelly Hashway - New Release and Q&A

Face of Death (Touch of Death #3) by Kelly Hashway
Having fallen at the hands of Hades, Jodi's enduring torture like she never imagined. Worse, she has to watch her Ophi friends suffer along with her--the punishment doled out by the very people she'd sentenced to life in Tartarus. Hell. This is one reunion Jodi hoped would never happen, but now she must find a way to free them all.

Except the underworld is nearly impossible to escape.

Jodi's one chance may rest in raising the human soul she killed when she drank Medusa's blood.

But splitting her human soul from her Ophi soul means living a double life: One as an Ophi experiencing unspeakable torture and the other as the human she could have been if she never came into her powers. With her two worlds colliding, Jodi will have to make the toughest decision she's faced yet.

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Previous Books:

TOUCH OF DEATH - AmazonB&N, or Walmart
STALKED BY DEATH - AmazonB&N, or Walmart

Q&A with Kelly about Face of Death
1. What was the spark or initial idea that started your book?

The series idea came while I was researching for another book. I came across a lesser-known myth about Medusa and Ophiuchus, the 13th sign of the zodiac. I've always loved Greek mythology and jumped on the chance to explore this myth and show people a very different Medusa. If anyone would like to know more about that myth, I have a FREE short story prequel to the series called Curse of Death. You can download it here: http://www.spencerhillpress.com/featured_books/curseofdeath.pdf.

When it came to deciding how to wrap up the series, I actually found my inspiration from my MC, Jodi Marshall. I took what she can do and used it both in her favor and against her. I know that sounds confusing, but you have to read the book to see what I mean. ;)

2. What was your favorite part of writing this book?

Face of Death is different from the other two books in the Touch of Death series because Jodi will essentially be living two separate lives. It was fun (although probably not for poor Jodi) to get to explore both Jodi's human side and her necromancer side in this final battle against Hades.

3. What is your favorite line from your book?

I think Jodi has a lot of great lines in this book (She's much funnier than I am.) but one of my favorites is actually a comment she makes about Zeus. "After finding out that it was Zeus who put Ophiuchus in the heavens to stop him from taking souls from the underworld, well, let's just say he'll never get a Christmas card from me."

4. What movie or television show would you say is most like your book in tone, topic, and/or characters?

Well, the series was pitched as The Walking Dead meets Shatter Me and I think that's spot on.

5. If your book was made into a movie and you got to design the movie poster, what would the tagline say?

Hmm, that's tough. Maybe "Being chosen isn't always a good thing." The logline from Touch of Death was "Having poison running through your veins and a kiss that kills really puts a dent in high school." I like that one a lot, too.

Want to win a copy of Face of Death? Head on over to Kelly's blog. 


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