I was cruising Facebook yesterday evening and came across something very interesting. A post for FANS to help fund a Veronica Mars Movie. My first thought was scam and why would someone target the fans of VM? But then I looked around and found out this was actually Rob Thomas and Kristen Bell asking the fans to make a Veronica Mars movie happen. They had pitched the idea to Warner Bros. who had agreed to let them make a movie if they met a minimum donation amount - $2,000,000. The Veronica Mars Movie Project at Kickstarter was born. As of this minute (9:55 AM PST, 3/14/2013) they have raised $2,695,311 from 44,523 backers (fans). They hit their goal of $2,000,000 in less than 11 hours after going live. Rob wasn't even sure they would hit the $2,000,000 within the 30 days of the drive. If you're a Veronica Mars fan, be sure to watch the pitch video that many of the cast members and Rob made. I find this entire thing fascinating. Imagine the possibilities of fans f...