Choosing the Next Project

I'm getting ready to send my YA fantasy out to the publishers and I'm faced with the task of deciding what the heck I'm gonna work on next. My overall goal for 2010 is to have four manuscripts out on submission with publishers. This is a goal I can control (something I've been working on LOL). So, onto my decision. I had thought it would be easy, but I'm finding it isn't easy. I just can't decide which one to work on. I know intellectually that it doesn't really matter since I've decided what four manuscripts I would polish and get sent off this year so I'll be working on each of them at one point or another throughout the year.

I'm currently debating between my paranormal novella and my romantic suspense novel. Both are pretty close to being finished. Need some scenes filled in here or there and have already been through a paper edit. So, I need to do a final polish on both of them. I've decided on possible publishers for them both that I think would be a good match. And I think that is what is making it a hard decision, they are both so close to being ready. If only one of them was that close it would be easy to go with that one.

So, do I work on my paranormal novella or my romantic suspense novel?


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