New Blog Name

I'm still not happy with my blog's name. For those of you following me for a while you might have noticed I've changed it a few times. I know writer's who have super cool or clever names and others who just use their name as the title. I'm uncertain of what I should do. Part of it is I'm eclectic. This blog is for two very different pen names and within each pen name I write different genres.

Angelia Almos - Young Adult fantasy, space opera and horsey nonfiction.
Angie Derek - Steamy paranormal romance and romantic suspense.

I've thought about having separate blogs like I do websites, but honestly I have a hard enough time keeping up with my two blogs as it is. Yes, I have two. I also have the Horse Schools Blog. So for now, it's one blog for my writing.

Anyone want to help me come up with a cool blog name?


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